Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Full Moon check in with Tarot de Marseille

Good evening Moonbeams

How are you all? I am well and in fine form which is just as well as we are busy at work and I have a lot to get through before we finish for the Christmas period.
It is great here, we finish at close of business on the 18th December and start back again on the 4th January NEXT YEAR! isn't that brilliant? I am so looking forward to it.

I had a week off a few weeks ago and I spent a few days down in London with my mum. We didn't do much really, just pottered about but on the Friday, my sister joined us and we went to The British Museum to see the Celt exhibition. It wasn't as big as I thought it was but it was interesting. The early and original Celts were fascinating with so much to offer. The only downside was that they either didn't have a form of writing or they only wrote on extremely perishable materials that self-destructed after 5 seconds. There is absolutely no direct writing on any form of their lives, all that is available is the writings of the Greeks and Romans who considered the Celts to be very alien.

I bought Alice Roberts' book The Celts and its turning into an excellent read. I will give an update when I have read more than a few chapters.

I was lucky enough to win a prize, which was lovely and so I chose Tarot de Marseille by Mary Packard. I do not have a Marseilles type deck and this was one of the few that was in English. I am looking forward to learning tarot with this deck and I have decided to christen it with a full moon check in. I can't actually see the moon from my office but I know she is out there and I will see her later.

I have been shuffling this deck for a couple of days now. I always spend the first few days just shuffling and loosening them up. Any cards that fall out just get put straight back in without being looked at so this is my first reading with this deck. Lets see what we have:

Energy & Advice: 4 of Cups and the King of Pentacles.

These cards are telling me that at this time I am comfortable in my skin and with where I am in general, currently. I will need to look to the future though and sort my plans out, knuckle down and get my plans into action.

This is definitely echoing what is going through my mind at the moment. It's all OK just now but the future I want isn't just going to appear; I need to work for it/at it.

Full Moon blessings to you all


Tarot de Marseille: Mary Packard 2015

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